Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I am loosing my mind a little bit. I'm at the point where I cant seem to read or cross stitch or anything. I am just over being in bed in the same room with same walls all around... ahhhh!

luckily for me Luca brings some sweet surprises when she comes.

The other day Jimi took her to market and when he came back said, "Naomi, it was so crazy, Luca must have been hungry because she grabbed a block of cheese and started chewing on it plastic and all". So I said, "well Jim what did she have for lunch?" Jim's face said it all... Luca had not had lunch. So she took her nutrition into her own hands and eat a half block of cheese! Just straight non organic block of cheese!
Later that night Emily came to pick Luca up just in time for Luca to projectile vomit all over the hospital room about 7 times! Poor dreamer! And poor Emily having to clean up after a kid thats not even hers! Good friend man!

Well thats about all the excitement in my world.

I am a rupture not a slow leak like they thought a week or 2 ago because this week Ive been leaking and spotting again. So please keep the prayers coming. I was forbidden by Jimi to google, but I disobeyed yesterday and I googled. I googled BIG time. And now I am of coarse terrified! Never should have done it! pregnant woman should not use the internet.


  1. Poor Nomes--this is why I don't believe in looking up my own ailments--it usually just gives me more to worry about when I don't realize that I dont' even have all the proper facts. You'll be ok! For real, Jesus is taking care of you both. Poor Luca, I miss her so much. If I was to come down, tho, where would I even stay? Your poor situations keep being ridiculous. Love you...missing you guys.

  2. google can be so bad! But at the same time I think knowing is important too....but ya know. God is SO much bigger than anything you found on Google. Jer. 29:11, He's got ya. He knows. Just keep holding on! Have you tried scrapbooking??? Seems a little less eye-crossing than cross stitching!!!!

  3. You poor sweet girl! Hang in there!

  4. Hey Nomie, Just wanna share something with you....when Crystal was pregnant with Rylee and they told her the baby's diagnosis...SHE GOOGLED!! that was the biggest mistake..I thought I was going to have to get on an airplane to California till she delivered... We did alot of praying together and I told her that she was going to be a positive story on a website one day that an expectant mom needed to hear...AND SHE IS!! God gave Crystal a miracle...and as you know we have seen MANY in our family (including that little girl Jesus sent to you!) Stay strong Mama!! Can't wait to see you and meet the new little one!! Give Luca and the favorite one a kiss for me!! Love you! :) Stacee
